Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pinterest in Real Life: Crispix Peanut Butter Treat

"They're these weird Swedish nutrition bars. My mom used to give them to the kids in Africa to help them gain weight."

My favorite candy is a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, so when I saw this choco-peanut butter snack on Pinterest, I thought it might be right up my alley.

And it is! It was super easy to make, only requires four ingredients, and is really tasty. I actually doubled the amount of chocolate and still found that it didn't quite reach all the pieces of cereal, so I'll probably triple it next time. Even Husband, who isn't big on chocolate (blasphemy!), thought it needed more.

My photo does not do this justice. Click to enlarge.

The texture is perfect. It's crispy but slightly chewy, and not too hard. You could break this up into servings and put them in individual bags for an easy snack. You could also add peanuts or raisins or whatever little embellishment your heart desires.

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